Group Therapy For ADHD
Group therapy can be a helpful addition or standalone treatment for ADHD. Group therapy can be a more affordable treatment as well. It also extremely helpful to have others around you that understand and do not judge. All my groups are done in a more psychoeducational style. At times it is more like taking a class. This will help take you some of the anxiety you may feel about group therapy.
Groups currently being offered.
Group therapy for Adult ADHD
I currently run a 12-week cognitive therapy-based therapy group.
Subjects covered are organization, planning, distractibility delay, and adaptive thinking skills.
I used an evidence supported and researched workbook. The great part of group therapy is the supportive environment and knowing you are the only one struggling with these issues.
Surviving college with ADHD
This is a 10-week group to help you tame the challenge of college. We will work on getting homework and studying done, organization your environment, scheduling, and adapting your thinking. There is also an optional family session for information and support.
I currently start groups due to demand. Please contact me if you are interested in joining a group.
Coming soon a skills group for women.
Stay tuned for this exciting new group.